AH3 – (MASSLESS) slutless slinger’s Eastside Romp – Aug 15, 2021 03:30PM

Where: Lott Pocket Park, 1174 Curve St, Austin, TX 78702, USA
as hosted and reimagined by Meatless Wonder and Mooselesshocka.
Mooselesshocka, and (MASSLESS) slutless slinger (?) if he shows up

Trail will be A-A’, but maybe enough prime that you’ll want to toss a bag or chair in the shag wagon depending upon where we finally decide to end the thing.
You may or may not need ID and $ for beer check, again depends on what we decide between now and when we lay it.
It’s hot, so leave your pooch at home for this one.
Check the calendar for any updates before you head out the door.