AH3 – Meatless steps/messes up his game – Jul 18, 2021 2:00PM

Where: Rivery Park

1125 Woodlawn Ave, Georgetown, TX 78626, USA

Week 2 of Meatless Wonder haring AH3 trails not in Austin. This week, “Meatless’ South Dallas Odyssey”

Trail starts at the parking lot of Rivery Park, at the end of N San Gabriel River Trail. That’s in Georgetown, ya wanks!

Trail will be A-B.
Bring a chair if ya wanna, and a shag bag with dry clothes. Ya might get a chance t’git yer feet wet.

It’s hot out, so I wouldn’t suggest bringing a dog, but if you do, bring a leash. It will be required.
Check the calendar for any updates before you head out the door.