AH3 – HASHMAS – Dec 17, 2022 07:00PM

Where: 8700 Wiley Way, Austin, TX 78747, USA
Hashmas starts at 4pm on December 17th this year, at 8700 Wiley Way, ATX 78747

https://ggle.io/5Nq4 is the link to sign up.  And https://bityl.co/FonA is the link to see “Who’s Cumming”.

The hash cash price will be $15 until 12:12. after that point it will be $20 hash cash. The first 25 regos will be awarded with a coveted hashmas gimme.

A lot’s going into this this year to make it great, and we’re very thankful that Romanian Steamer has opened her home to us. We ask that you please be respectful when you are on her property and do not break or maim anything, person, or creature.

7PM Drinks arrive, set up, food be arrivin and lookin’ like a snack
8PM big festivities start – be there or be square, snacking on just yourself
10-10:30PM – Awards, celebrashuns

Check the calendar for any updates before you head out the door.