Friday 9th July through Sunday 11th July, 2021
Celebrating our 2000th trail, which occurred 14th February 2021. Please read the Schedule/FAQs page before rego’ing. This will be a short rego and transfer period, and we don’t have a cap we will reach outside of the 20 RV slots. Make sure you will be able to attend before signing up. You should sign up early if bringing a RV, because there will be at most 20 RV hook-ups available. On-On, and hope you can attend!
Austin H3 Mismanagement
Distance from: Austin (46 miles), Austin airport (37 miles), San Antonio (108 miles), Houston (124 miles), Dallas (214 miles), Waco (120 miles), Corpus Christi (179 miles), El Paso (616 miles), Tasmania Australia (8,846 miles)
- Rocky Hill Ranch website. Don’t contact the owners directly about any subject. If you have a question, read the FAQs, and if your question is not there, email
- Contact info: anything rego related, email For general discussions, we have a private Facebook group “Austin H3 2021 Campout” which is searchable but not public. Get someone in there to invite you or search for it and join.
- Other ways to stay in contact: Austin H3 Facebook Page, and Austin H3 Twitter accounts. Both are public, and after you rego your hash name will be broadcast on both as attending your favorite hash event in the first half of July.